Telecommunication company
Revenue Assurance
Data analysis
Telephony Operator Consultancy: Analysis of SVA data
Mission: Our client working in the telecommunications sector wanted to have data on promotional campaigns, quizzes and two other services, which are Sos Credit and mobile press. Process implemented: Descriptive analysis over the last three years - Functional analysis - Revenue Assurance
The Client
Our client is one of the main VAS companies in Ivory Coast that works with Orange CI, MTN CI and Moov CI. It is present in 11 countries which are Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast, Congo Brazza, DRC, Gabon, Niger, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda, Rwanda,
The Objective of the Mission
The company did not have exact data on the potential of each SMS and IVR service, in order to distribute marketing SMS to customers. This represented a recurring problem for Marketing. Which campaign should be prioritized? What service will be offered in a country or with a specific operator?
The main objective was to guide marketing and general management towards the deployment of new offers for Telecom partners, ensure statistical monitoring of activity, and transmit analysis reports for commercial strategy.
4 months
A team composed of a Manager - Consultant
3 Statisticians
1 Data Analyst
1 Database developer (internal)
The Analyses
Descriptive analysis
· Collect and maintain data through internal or third party sources
· Create monthly and quarterly reports that include written and graphical representation of the analysis
· Create spreadsheets and pivot tables in Excel that are accessible to other team members
Extraction of data files from our Marketing databases
- Definition/development of marketing management indicators
- Measurement of the effectiveness and profitability of marketing actions
- Descriptive analyses (profiling, typology), explanatory analyses (segmentation analyses), predictive analyses (score models,...)
- Summary of results and writing of study reports
Data Collection and Processing
Analysis of subscribers by promo,
*Analysis of registrants by country,
*Trend of registrations by country/promotions,
*Penetration level by country/promos,
* Traffic rate (SMS/IVR number) by country/ promotions (i.e. strong/low change at the beginning/end of the promo),
*Level of achievement by country,
*Level of participation by type of promo (Quiz, consumption, reloading, etc.),
*Level of profitability of the quizes/countries,
*Classification by country and type of promotion
· Duration of the promotion
· Penetration rate
· Coverage rate
· SMS/IVR/USSD price
- Total number of participants in QUIZ promotions:
The graph below shows the distribution of the number of promos registered. The number of subscribers to the various promotions varies from one promotion to another. The number of registrants for promotions is subdivided into three groups according to the level of registrations. So we have:
· Enrollment level Weak : Ivory Coast, Ghana and Gabon
· Enrollment level Medium : Congo Brazza
· Enrollment level Reared : only Burkina-Faso

- Average number of participants in QUIZ promos:
From the results in Table 3, we can deduce that the number of participants varies little from one day to another for the following promotions: Ghana, Congo Brazza, where the daily distribution of the number of participants is more uniform. While for the following promotions: Gabon, Burkina-Faso, Burkina-Faso, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast and Gabon, the number of registrants varies more strongly from one day to another.

- The Trends:
- Realization of the summary of promotions by country in terms of registrants, traffic, expense coverage
- Realization of the weekly summary of SMS by service
- Realization of daily and weekly reviews of accessible priority services and promotions
- Consumption analysis : In the table below, which illustrates the share of consumption recorded in each 10-day group within each segment, we can see that:
- The moments of high consumption are the first 20 days (representing more than 35% of consumption)
- The decade of the 3rd saw the lowest consumption

The results
Following the analyses, findings and insights were identified, which allowed us to report to the marketing and sales department in order for them to take measures to increase sales. Below are some recommendations from the final report:
- Promotional campaign (Charging or consumption) This study was carried out for promotions whose general trends can be analyzed over specific periods of time. It was found that at the beginning of the period the traffic was generally low. However, this level increases over time until the middle of the promo. After these two periods, two cases were noted: either the traffic fell only to rise again at the end of the promo, or the traffic continued and fell at the end of the promo. It is reported that the evolution of the traffic of the various promotions depends on the duration of the promotion.
- Based on the observation of the increase in registrations, it was suggested to the marketing team to increase advertising at the beginning of the campaign to maximize registrations and second, to accentuate at the end of the campaign.
- Provision of statistical interfaces in order to more easily visualize the daily, weekly and monthly trends of each service and promo. A statistical interface was delivered to the customer in order to have the status of the studies carried out and the analyses carried out in more detail.
- Offer new innovative and Data-oriented content services
-Set up a new form of QUIZ
-Renegotiate with the Operators for the Animation on the Services
-Negotiate new partnerships with Presses Inter
Conclusion of the study
Following the recommendations given in particular on the progress of registrants and consumption on promotions and quizzes. The business analytics team allowed Marketing to duplicate promotions with strong campaigns in other countries. A final report has been sent to the Directorate-General. As a deliverable, we have included a statistics interface for insights.t the insights.
Duration of the mission: 4 months